A Mother’s Blessing is a precious time for women to come and pour positivity and love into her life. Never heard of it before? Click here to learn more about the tradition.
The primary goal of a Mother’s Blessing is to fill the mother with encouragement as she transitions into motherhood. There are many ways to uplift her. Have everyone go around in the circle and answer one or two of these questions.
- What is a happy story or memory you share with the mother?
- What is your favorite part of being a mother?
- What is your favorite quality of the mother?
- What is something positive that you associate with the mother?
Pregnancy comes with a glow, but sometimes it is hard for a pregnant woman to feel beautiful and radiant. Often in those last few weeks they struggle with discomfort, feeling frumpy or discouraged. This is a time to spoil her physically and remind her that she is creating a miracle. Here are a few examples of ways you can pamper her.
- Blind Introduction: blindfold the mother before bringing her into the circle and each guest whispers a positive thought
- Weave a floral crown for the mother
- Belly art: henna, paint or belly cast
- Foot soak with Epson salt and oils
- Manicure, pedicure or both!
- Brush and/or braid her hair
The biggest part of a Mother’s Blessing is building her community. This is where the emotional bonding grows and fuels everyone present.
- Generational Introductions: “I am Dani, daughter of Pam, Mother of Michael, Felicity and Finnick”
- Fear Release: Each guest writes down personal fears and they are burnt safely in a pot so that all may release their worries and focus on the positivity in the ceremony
- Naming Ceremony: this can be a time that baby’s name is shared with those in attendance
- Question and Answers: mother asks her tribe questions about birth, motherhood or the transition between
- Sharing words of wisdom or meaningful quotes
- Ceremony candles: usually lit as part of the inner circle display. Each guest takes one home and lights it when they receive word that mother is in labor
- Beaded Jewelry: each guest brings a bead and they are put onto a necklace or bracelet for mama
- Anointing Oil: Each guest is given a body part to anoint (ex. “I anoint her head that they may follow her intuition during birth and beyond”)
- Laying of Hands: all guest lay a hand on mama or her belly and say a prayer or positive affirmation
Most Mother’s Blessings have a creative outlet that the mother can keep for birth or motherhood. Here are a few examples:
- Birth Affirmation Banners: remind mama of her power
- Secret Notes: Write a joke, prayer or quote for mama to read during labor or on tough postpsrtum nights
- Wishing Tree: Write and hang a wish for mama and baby on a branch decorated to act as the tree
- Positivity Stones: write one or two words that mama should think about when in labor
Other Things to Consider
It is incredibly important that mama feels safe wherever the venue. Ideally, it is not held at her home because then she will have to worry about cleaning and being the host. Find a safe space which could be a home of a family or friend, a room rented for an event, or even outside. Wherever you choose, it should have minimal distractions and encourage relaxation.
Have a designated fascilitator. This could be grandma, a friend, a sister or a hired birth worker. They should know the script and how to transition between ceremonies. This is one of our services we offer to locals.
Another thing to consider is childcare. If mama has older children, she need to decide if someone else will keep them during the event or if she wants them to be present and participate. For the youngest littles, it is encouraged to have a delagated person in charge of them if they do stay present so they can walk them out if they become too distracting or bored.
The Mother’s Blessing is such a wonderful community moment that many forget to take pictures. Mama may want to hire a photographer to take pictures or at least include a reminder for a friend to take a few snapshots. This is one of my greatest regrets for my first Mother’s Blessing. The only pictures I have are of decoration before my guests arrived and a couple blurry pictures that were not at all quality. A good photographer is worth her weight in gold.
Have you ever attended a Mother’s Blessing? Tell me about your experience below!